Basic Excel for Basic Bookkeeping and Accounting

Learn the basics of Excel, the very basics of bookkeeping, and how you can do simple and basic bookkeeping in Excel.

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Basic Excel for Basic Bookkeeping and Accounting

What You Will Learn!

  • Open, save and close a workbook in Excel
  • Identify parts of an Excel workbook
  • Enter and delete data
  • Insert and remove columns and rows
  • Use cut, copy, paste, undo, redo, find and replace
  • Insert basic formula
  • Use paste special
  • Format text and cells
  • Use excel autofill, flashfill, autosum and autocomplete
  • Sort data
  • Insert tables and filters
  • use names and data validation to restrict user imputs
  • Insert charts
  • Insert pivot tables, timeline and charts
  • Set up a basic Sales and sales returns daybook in Excel
  • Set up a basic Purchase and purchase returns daybook in Excel
  • Set up a basic petty cash daybook in Excel
  • Set up basic payments and receipts daybooks
  • Identify key information to record in the daybooks


Basic Excel for Basic Bookkeeping - an introductory course for those that are new to Excel and new to Bookkeeping.

In This Course You Will Learn The Basics Of Excel, The Very Basics of Bookkeeping, And How You Can Do Simple and Basic Bookkeeping in Excel.

If you need to record basic transactions for your business. If you are new to Excel?  THEN REGISTER NOW

Course Overview

We will begin this course by introducing you to Excel, where you will learn the very basics. We will introduce you to a workbook and the ribbons, and you will learn how to select, enter and delete data.

In section 2 we will move into the very basics of bookkeeping, we will introduce you to the day books that you should keep and we will identify key details that you should record in these day-books. These day-books, prepared in Excel, are available for download, and we will use them in the rest of this course while we are working in Excel.

In section 3 - Excel working with data, you will learn how insert, remove and merge cells, rows and columns. We will also look at find and replace, hide and unhide and Special paste. After this we will move on to entering basic formula and some formatting.

Section 4 of this course - Excel Organizing and sorting data, will give you the opportunity to organize the day-books using tables, filters, names and data validation

Finally in section 5 Excel Analyzing data you will be introduced to Excels recommended charts and recommended pivot tables.

This course contains:

Notes to download - Available Now

Sample practice day-books - Available Now

Exercises to complete - Available Now

Certificate of Completion

*****BONUS****** FREE Join a community of other learners where you can interact with each other and with the instructor.


REGISTER NOW and get started with Bookkeeping in Excel Today!


By the end of this course, you'll have the knowledge and confidence to record your basic bookkeeping transaction in Excel. You will also be confident in using the basics of Excel for almost any task. In addition to this you will also have the foundations to move on to a more advanced Excel or Bookkeeping course.


Your purchase is 100% RISK FREE with a 30 day money-back guarantee. If you don't learn anything new from this course, simply request a refund within your 30 day period for your money back, no questions asked.

Who Should Attend!

  • This Basic Excel for Basic Bookkeeping course is meant for newbies who are not familiar with Excel or bookkeeping
  • No prior Excel skills or bookkeeping knowledge is required
  • This course is not for you if you are looking for advanced Excel or bookkeeping skills



  • Accounting
  • Bookkeeping
  • Excel






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