Awaken Your Arduino Skills: Craft a Custom Alarm Clock!

Master the Art of Time with Arduino: Design, Code, and Illuminate Your Mornings!

Ratings 4.36 / 5.00
Awaken Your Arduino Skills: Craft a Custom Alarm Clock!

What You Will Learn!

  • Make your own Arduino Alarm Clock
  • Interface Real Time Clock Module with Arduino
  • Learn Working Principle of Real Time Clock DS3231
  • Interface LCD with Arduino


The Dawn of New Learning!

Ever gazed at your alarm clock and wondered about the tech behind it? Dive into the world of Arduino and illuminate your mornings by designing a custom alarm clock using a Real-Time Clock and an LCD screen. Whether you're new to the Arduino realm or a seasoned tinkerer, this course will guide you through every beep and tick!

Your Blueprint to Success:

  • Master the Microcontroller: Uncover the intricacies of the Arduino and how it interfaces with other components.

  • Time in Your Hands: Learn how to set, reset, and manage alarms with precision using the RTC module.

  • Visual Delight: Seamlessly integrate an LCD screen to display time, alarms, and other essential data.

  • Code Like a Pro: Dive deep into the Arduino IDE and craft codes that breathe life into your designs.

Why This Course?

  • Interactive Learning: From soldering components to writing intricate codes, this is hands-on learning at its best.

  • Expert Guidance: With the seasoned expertise of Ashraf Said AlMadhoun, every doubt is cleared, every concept clarified.

  • For Everyone: Catering to all, whether you're a novice curious about electronics or an expert looking to refresh your knowledge.

What's Inside?

  • Comprehensive video lessons that are easy on the eye and brain.

  • Engaging practical activities that solidify learning.

  • A plethora of downloadable resources.

  • Robust support, ensuring every query is addressed.


“This course was a revelation! I never thought I could design my alarm clock. Kudos to the team for such a detailed guide.” - Anna M.

“From the components to the code, everything was explained so well. Now, I wake up to an alarm clock I designed!” - Rajeev S.

Investment & Assurance:

Your investment in this course comes with a promise. Not satisfied? We offer a hassle-free money-back guarantee. Plus, you get lifetime access to course updates and our exclusive student community.

The Time is Now!

With limited seats and a world of knowledge to gain, delay might mean missing out. Enroll today, and embark on a journey where every second counts!

Who Should Attend!

  • Arduino Geeks
  • Electronics Geeks
  • Anyone Interested in Learning New Things about Arduino
  • Anyone Interested in Learning How to make Arduino Alarm Clock
  • Anyone Interested in Microcontrollers



  • Arduino
  • Real Time Communication






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