Android Jetpack Compose with Retrofit Room Hilt in Kotlin

Develop an app that displays Mars photos with ViewModel and Repositories with dependency injection and Flow coroutines

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Android Jetpack Compose with Retrofit Room Hilt in Kotlin

What You Will Learn!

  • Create an modern Android application with Jetpack Compose in Kotlin
  • Organize the code with separate layers (ViewModels MVVM, repositories and data layers)
  • Room database and Retrofit
  • Understand the basic of Flow and Kotlin coroutine
  • Start Jetpack composable in a UI tests
  • Write unit tests
  • Create animations
  • Create a theme using Material3 with dark and light modes and custom fonts
  • Use Hilt for dependency injection (a dagger-based framework)
  • Create a Bottom Navigation and Navigate between screens


During this course, we will develop an Android application that will display photos taken by the rovers on Mars using Android Studio.

This app will use all the latest Jetpack technologies:

  • Compose (no more XML)

  • Hilt (Dagger Dependency Injection Framework)

  • Room (Jetpack component to create a lite database)

  • Retrofit (REST client)

  • Coroutines and Flow (To create asynchronous tasks and request our database)

You also use ViewModels with Jetpack to use an MVVM Repository architecture.

With this example, you should be able to create an Android App to the industry standard.

Navigation with Jetpack Compose could be challenging, so we will create a simple example with 4 screens and a BottomNav to understand it. A Scaffold will be use to create the BottomNav.

Your productivity will be improve as Jetpack Compose is easier to write and reuse.

You will improve your knowledge of Kotlin. If you still use Java, this course is an opportunity to learn.

Compose is a new way to create a UI on Android. It is more concise and reusable. Therefore, it helps to develop faster Android applications.

In this app we will use Jetpack Compose Components from Materal3:

  • Card

  • LazyColumn

  • Column

  • Row

  • AsyncIamge (from the Coil lib to display an image from a server)

  • Text

  • Image

  • NavHost (to use navigation)

  • NavigationBar

  • NavigationBarItem

  • Box

  • Scaffold

We will also see how we can use a modifier to define padding.

Who Should Attend!

  • Android developers who wants to learn Jetpack Compose
  • Android developers who wants to increase code quality



  • Android Development
  • Android Jetpack






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