How to Get Motivated in 30 Days & Live Your Best Life Now !

This program will help you and stay get motivated in only 30 days. Get ready to live the life of your dreams now!

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How to Get Motivated in 30 Days & Live Your Best Life Now !

What You Will Learn!

  • To look at every area of your life to see how you can grow and be more motivated
  • To learn how to effectively set goals and track them for accountablity
  • To examine how habits and attitudes shape your level of motivation
  • To identify resources and people who can help you get where you want to go
  • To change your old ways of thinking and identify new ways of thinking that can change your life
  • To understand the importance of mission, vision, goals and long term thinking in order to get and stay motivated.
  • To understand the key components of living your best life and learning to celebrate your achievements and why that is important


    Are you motivated? Would you like to be more motivated? In this unique program, motivational speaker and book author Shawn Doyle will show you exactly how to get and stay motivated. The innovative idea behind this program is that you take one module each day on a different motivational topic for 30 days. Why? We believe that motivation is not an event but a process.

    This content packed program includes videos, audios, tips, tools and checklists to help you take an introspective look at every area of your life, including some information and ideas that you will learn about that you never knew or heard of before. In one short month you will look at each area that has an impact on your motivation and on your life. Get ready to build the life of your dreams and maximize your true potential!

    This program includes many topics including:

      - The importance of passion

      - How to set goals effectively

      - Managing life stress

      - Having a healthy social life

      - How habits are the foundation of success

      - Creating your own environment

      - Resources to help you get and stay motivated

      - What is work and how does it affect your life?

      - Expanding your expectations

      - The power of purpose

      - Having a vision board and why it matters

      - Understanding the law of attraction

      - How to flatten fear

      - Knowing how a mentor can change your life

      - Dealing with distractions

      - Dealing with adversity and how to snap back

      - Practicing long term thinking

    So are you ready to be motivated, inspired, fired up and ready to live the best life possible? To really finally and totally live life to the fullest? Want to make all your dreams come true? Want to get the tools and techniques and resources you need to be motivated? This program is the one you must take!

Who Should Attend!

  • Any one from 8 to 80 who wants to get and stay motivated



  • Personal Success
  • Motivation






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